
Lost birth control pill?

by  |  earlier

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i lost 3 active pills in my pack, i have just took the pills i have left and will just start my next pack early (have took a pill everyday) does anyone know if this can effect the effectiveness of my pills?




  1. dont have s*x

  2. yes try not to have s*x you have more of a chance to get pregnant be careful....

  3. as long as you have taken a pill daily for at least 7 days you are protected

  4. Don't take any chances....use extra protection for at least a month or you can call your pharmacist/doctor if you want to be sure.

  5. This all depends on weather you are sexually active. If you aren't then skipping pills is fine, alot of girls skip ahead etc etc. You should be fine as long as you continue to take the pill and continue to follow the packets.


  7. You have two choices: 1). use dual contraception (as your pills will work not fully) or avoid unprotected s*x. Discover more below.

  8. your fine...i've done that before your just gonna get your period sooner.

  9. The effectiveness goes down, so you might want to use a condom or something until you are back on track.

  10. That happened to me about a month ago, I asked my pharmacist. She told me to just continue taking the rest of the pack, and I would be fine and wouldn't need to use a back-up method. Which it sounds like that is what you are doing. You will just start your period earlier, and your new pack earlier. You should have nothing to worry about. If you are worried just use a back-up birth control method (condom or whatever).

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