
Lost city of Atlantis question help me please ?

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where is it located

i what some information about it




  1. In the Pegasus Galaxy. It is an abandoned city of the Ancients, an advanced race of beings that left the earth thousands of years ago. Just kidding, it's never been found.  

  2. it is located somewhere in the atlantic ocean im guessing. lol. some people think that Atlantis is just a story that plato made up and based it on several cities that suffered the same fate atlantis did. look up the city Helike. one winter it was there then all the animals started to dissapear and then the whole city sunk under the earth and flooded with water.  

  3. Google it. :P

    (It's a myth, kiddo, but an enchanting one, for sure!)

  4. i think Atlantis is right there where it says it is. in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. maybe mermaids are proof that Atlantis existed and still does.

  5. If we knew where it was, it would not be the Lost City. Supposedly they had super advanced technology way ahead of their time. However, it is possible it never existed.

  6. ok, First off its a lost city no one knows for sure where its at... the island early on was atacked... by a greek force... its was said to be in the greek islands... near crete... anyways...its was said to have nuclear power and "technologically advanced weapons" however this may not be true... when it was attacked though so it said the atlanteans fought through and defeated the greek force.. however then did not want to be part of the world and sunk itslef by unknown means

    and it still remains lost within the oceans or seas.

  7. Plato wrote about an ancient lost island called Atlantis.

    He states that the account was translated from the Egyptian by Solon. He also states that Critias (Plato's close relative) had Solon's original translation in his possession. If the original manuscript actually existed, Plato likely has access to it.

    Plato locates it in the Atlantis Ocean just outside the "Pillars of Herakles" (today the Straits of Gibraltar).

    He says it was a central plain with Mountains on the West, North, and East. The central plain of Atlantis is described as being 2000 x 3000 Greek stades in size; which equals about 79,212 US square miles (roughly the size of South Dakota).

    Nowhere does he call it a Continent.

    Nor does he say it sank in a single day and night.

    What he says is that in a single day and night, the Greek army was swallowed by the Earth. He then says that "in the same manner" Atlantis was "swallowed by the sea." But nowhere does he indicate the two events happened at the same time.

    Every theory I've seen on Atlantis is either based upon Plato or relies on him for at least some support. This makes Plato's writing the only clear common ground, among all interested parties, in discussions about Atlantis. Plato is the foundation upon which most Atlantean theories are based.

    Strangely though, many people who discuss Atlantis (both skeptics and true believers) have never actually read the original account; which is actually quite short.

    The account is found in Plato's Timaeus and Critias dialogues. The actual Atlantean sections of any book with Timaeus and Critias, are reasonably short. For example, in the Penguin classic edition, the complete dialogue of Timaeus is about 100 pages long, but the Atlantean section is only 8 pages long. Critias is only 17 pages long.

    Linguistically, Plato's writings on Atlantis are reasonably straight forward. In nearly all cases, the meaning of the original Greek is clear enough.

    As far as I am concerned, people should be free to choose to accept what Plato wrote, or to reject it. However, what I do have a problem with, is when people take what Plato actually said and twist it into what they claim he "meant" in an effort to adjust Plato to support their theory about Atlantis. They often do this just so they can then say "Plato supports my theory."

    You can download a free, pdf copy of my "New Atlantis Reference Edition" from my website:  

    This edition contains Jowett's translation with aligned referencing, explanatory essays, and a comprehensive concordance.

  8. were talking about a city that been lost for almost as long as the earth has been around. but if i had to guess i'd say somewhere in the Atlantic ocean  

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