
Lost cockatiel return???

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My cockatiel flew out about 20 minutes ago. She is 4 years old about and flew very far away and very high. I live in the suburbs of San Marcos. Is there any chance she could find her way back??? Or at least survive =(




  1. Did you see how far away she flew? I lost two of my birds last week one of them was a cockatiel. We did get both back. The cockateil was out for about 4 hours before we found her at the end of the street in a tree. We had been out all day calling her and didn't hear her. When we drove by with the tree she started calling to us. She new the sound of our truck. We were able to get out and find her in the tree. She was scared but we were able to reach her. My other bird we didn't find tell the next day. And when we did find her she was way up in a tree. We had to use a ladder and talk with her but they are both home safe now.

    I would go to in your area and post on the pet area that you lost your bird. Also go to the lost and found section. I have seen a lot of cockatiels that have been found on Craigs list.

    Also you might want to try bird forums, and I would contact your local pet stores and the humane society.  

    Good luck

    I am going to post a section in my forum for lost birds. I just set up my page a few days ago but this is a good idea I think.

    You can post that your bird is lost there if you like

  2. my friend lost her cockatiel and she never saw it again.

    i don't think they can survive in the wild for very long but i don't have the fortune to actually own one so i wouldn't really know.  I guess if you find her get her wings clipped!

    good luck and i hope you find her!

  3. there is a chance that she will return depending on if she knows her surondings also if you taught her a whistle her name or anything like that she might recongnise it and see if she can find it my bird will fly through the house if a whistle his favorite and reconised song she might be able to survive by feeding off bird feeders or if you live near a farm she will probably go there because cockatiels are native to australia where they feed off many different crops so she will probably survive depending on the weather but try to find her soon incase she cant find any food or doesnt know what to do

  4. There is a good chance that she will return. I once hear of a 3 year old male cockatiel fly away and get stuck in a tree during a storm. The owner taught the bird to say his name, and what his address was. When the owner of the home the tree was in front of retrieved the bird from the tree, she was able to return the bird to its owner because it knew its address. Whether or not your bird does, there is still a chance of it flying back home. But if you have never taken it outside to be familiar with its surroundings, it's likely not to return because the area would be unfamiliar to her.

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