
Lost intrest?

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ever since like 3 days ago i haven't wanted to go to dance. everytime i think about i dont want to go even more. i feel like no one there sees my potental. what should i do i have dance tommorow




  1. I feel like that too sometimes but I want to dance so much I just don't think about the people there and I have a good time because I'm dancing just think about your love of dance =^..^=

  2. if u really love a sport and u love it so much that u r up late playing it or somethin than u should continue. dont do somethin that u dont believe in it or if someone is makin u do it

  3. Maybe you haven't lost interest - it's only 3 days. I sometimes just have weeks where I really couldn't care less about dance. My dance teacher never noticed me because she was too caught up on noticing someone else. But someone told me "just because she's shining at the moment, doesn't mean you can't." This really helped me and ever since that I kept on going and never looked back. Try dancing out your emotions like if your angry for no one seeing your potential, then dance for that. If you do have potential, then you don't want to lose that just because a few people haven't noticed it. And you don't know - they might have noticed. Even if you're not dancing to get noticed then at least dance for yourself. If it doesn't work out after a while then maybe stop, but quitting after three days of not enjoying it.. you don't want to make any descisions you could regret in the future. In a couple of years time you don't want to look at the people you danced with and think... "I could have danced like that". My advice would be not to give up just yet - Good luck.

  4. honey, as long as you enjoy your dancing go and have a good like it's you alone on the dance floor. don't worry about anyone seeing your potential, you know what you can

  5. Sometimes you have to switch gears.

    I've been dancing socially for 30 years and I find that after a while I feel I have reached the end of how far I want to go with a dance discipline. I've been doing west coast swing (see below) for the past 10 years but now I find I want do do something different (at the moment I'm doing International Ballroom and English Country dance).

    Perhaps the problem is that your potential lies elsewhere. Or your creativity needs punching up. I'm not dancing WCS as much but I am DJing for it instead.  My cousin is a Belly Dancer but he (yes *he*) goes to performances of other dances in order to find new things to add to his dancing.

    Go dance tomorrow and then start looking at other dances.  You may find that your direction goes elsewhere OR that you revive your drive to do the dance you are currently training in.  

    Best of luck.

  6. It's interesting that you bring this up. I had a point not too long ago where I didn't want to go to dance class either because I felt like there were other dancers who were way better than me and even though I was working hard and I had the potential to be very dance instructors didn't pay much attention to me. So that made me feel like no one saw the potential I had.

    You know what I did? I talked to my instructor about it. It's really difficult to get the guts to talk about that with your instructor...but it really may help. Now...I'm pretty shy and don't feel comfortable bringing things up in person so I just wrote her a short email explaining how I was feeling.

    It wouldn't hurt for you to try that....chances are your dance instructor does see your potential...but he/she needs to see that you also see your own potential.
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