
Lost investment years

by Guest32344  |  earlier

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I'm 21 year old nursing student and I'm starting and getting really excited and passionate learning about the economy, Investing, banking system etc. pretty much anything that deals with money. I'm fully aware that Investing early and while young make a big difference and its very very important. I just feel sorry about myself losing all my investment years in the past. I know some people who became wealthy and successful because they start really early, like 13 years old. and they are completely equipped and wealthy at the age of 25. what do you think guys?




  1. i am turning 21 in three weeks. And I know what you mean I started a roth IRA when I was 18 and maxed it out since I have other investments too but if I only would have started a few years younger. But then I look at people in their 30's 40's and 50's (mostly relatives) who don't even know what a Roth IRA is or could not even explain how the basics of a stock market works. My point being is I think you will be fine just try to max out your investment vehicle whether it be an Index fund, mutual fund, or ETF. And please be careful of fees, I would open an account at scottrade no annual fee no loaded funds and only $7 per trade on individual stocks.

  2. You haven't missed much the past few years and the market is falling, so don't worry.  

  3. Think nothing of the "lost years".  First, few children in their teens have the financial volume or judgment to put a substantial amount of money aside.  For those who do, great, but there's merit in being a kid while a kid, if you get my meaning.

    Starting at 21 is outstanding, and way ahead of the curve.  Putting just a few hundred a month into an aggressive fund with the right manager can make you a millionaire well before the traditional retirement age.  Consider CGMFX. Ken Heebner's 10 year track record is as good as it gets.
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