
Lost mucus plug now diarrhea also feel sick at night time?

by Guest21404  |  earlier

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been walking a lot now lost more mucus now diarrhea and feel sick at night time?




  1. congratulations sound like you will be meeting your new baby boy in the near future!

  2. Good luck, sounds like baby is on his way!

  3. i dont know if your in labor...sorry if i'm wrong...but i lost mine a week and a half ago and have had diarrhea since....some days its worse than others...and also menstrual cramping...and i have not had the baby yet.....   keep track of contractions....or call your never know...he may even want to check your of luck!  if it is labor and you have the baby soon let me know!  

  4. Lucky you - you get to meet your new little bundle soon!!

  5. Sounds like a baby is on the way!

  6. Call your doctor now!  And, if you are not packed... pack!

    Best Wishes!

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