
Lost my baby boy at 23 weeks...?

by Guest60829  |  earlier

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waters broke early and i went into labour 4 days later. baby lived for a few minutes, i got to see it moving opening and closing it's said it was too young to resucitate.anyone know if this is true? did it happen to anyone else they know?..




  1. 23 weeks is very early for a baby being born. For a baby to be born at 6 months he would need intensive care and there is no promise he would have survived.

    I'm so sorry about your loss.

  2. Sorry about the loss. At least you got to see him. People with miscarriage don't get to see them at all. Once again, sorry. </3 :(

  3. i am so sorry for your loss but at 23 weeks and loss of oxygen could cause major brain damage to a child that is not fully developed ... i have heard of times that the have tried to ressusitate but that young ; the baby most likely woulda had major problems... i know how hard it is to loose a baby but everything happens for a reason !!!!

  4. The chance of survival for a baby born at 23 weeks is about 50% if they make it to intensive care. Girls apparently have a higher chance of survival than boys. There are many many factors that would have lead to your babies death. There is a possibility that he could have suffered horrible brain bleeding had they tried to resuscitate him. I'm sure they did all they could while keeping your baby's well being in mind.

    I'm very sorry for your loss.  

  5. First of all I am SO SORRY for your loss! I couldn't even imagine what you are feeling right now. Second of all, I have heard of this before, so it is true. I know someone who went into labor that early and they told her that if she gave birth before 24wks then they wouldn't be able to do anything. Luckily she gave birth right at 24wks, and she has a healthy baby boy. Thirdly, this kind of thing kills me. I cannot understand why they wouldn't at least TRY to resucitate it. I just don't understand it. They just say no, and don't even do anything. Even at 23wks, that 's right there. It is such a shame. A life is a life.

    Again, I am so sorry, and may God be with you.

  6. im sorry for your loss.

    but your baby was a he, not and 'it', i find it strange you refer to him like that.

    i recommend you speak to a dr about your situation.

  7. Wow that must be extremely difficult for you. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

    I've heard of babies surviving at that age but it is rare. They didn't even try to resuscitate him? That seems odd. My nephew was born at 27 weeks and he barely survived but he had some complications so it was sort of a different situation than yours.

  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. I don't have experience this. May God be with you during this hard time.  

  9. The hospital im sure did everything they could to save your baby. But sometimes they cant save a baby. I am sorry that happened to you. It is a horrible experience to happen to anyone. You should get some counseling  and mourn the loss of your child. But for some reason this baby didnt live.  

    What you should do if you are concerned about what happened insist on an autopsy. Tell them you want to know exactly why the baby died. Then speak with your primary care doctor and ask him/her why the hospital would tell you that it was too young to resucitate.

  10. 23 weeks is really early for a baby to survive. Sometimes babies do live being born that early, but it's a slim chance that they do. I am sorry about your loss.

  11. Im so sorry for your loss, but im sure the doctors did all they could.

  12. i dont know because im only a teenager. but im sorry for your loss </3


  13. I'm sorry that I can't answer your question, but I just want to say that I am so sorry for your loss.  God be with you.

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