
Lost my camera in Grand Cayman, can you help?

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Any ideas on how I might find it? I was on a cruise when I lost it in Georgetown, Grand Cayman. It is a Kodak waterproof throw away camera, but it has pictures on it that cannot be replaced. I left it behind at 7 mile beach.

Any ideas? I contacted the cruise line and even e-mail the police department. The cruise lines couldn't help and the polic department never wrote back.





  1. I just got back from a Western Caribbean cruise from July 6-13 on Freedom of the Seas. We stopped in Georgetown too. We didn't go to the 7 mile beach though. There is probably nothing you can do about it. For all we know it could be down in the bottom of the ocean. My aunt went to Scandanavia last summer and took a disposable camera and then went to get the pics developed, and the store she took it to ruined all the pictures that were in there because supposedly the maching broke. It is hard to replace the pictures you lost, but just remember you had a great vacation. There is nothing you really can do about it.

  2. Count your camera as a lost.  Someone prolly picked it up and continued taking pictures with it.  They will get the pictures developed and discard yours. Sorry!

  3. Chances are that it is gone forever.

    Even for a throw-away camera, it is a good idea to have your name and address on it.  A return address sticker works good for that.  If the sticker was on the camera, there would at least be a slim chance someone would return it to you.

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