
Lost my phone in my own home?

by  |  earlier

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how can i locate its place




  1. call it using another phone

  2. LOL...I did this last week.  And it sat for a day or two and was totally dead, so I couldn't call it, couldn't page it!  LOL

    I searched everywhere! Under beds, under pillows, in the couch cushions, under couches, in the toy box, on all counters (including bathrooms)...

    I finally found it in a basket on the shelf of the coffee table...the basket that hold bedtime books, baby's board books.  Apparently it was picked up along with them (not by me....this is how my older children tidy their things apparently)

    It's frustrating when you just don't have a lot of places to's not like it's hiding under someone's coat...that would be easy.  

    Good Luck!

  3. Call the ghostbusters...they can find anything!

  4. Call it with another phone.

  5. if you have a cell phone call it if not have a friend call it.

  6. There are no methods to do what you wish to do, sorry.

  7. i did that once and found it two years later stuffed into the sofa... no lie

  8. my answer is like the other ones or if your house is messy clean it and that will do two good things

  9. i understand that you said it is OFF, and the only way to hear it is if it was on. and the tracing only helps when you are in a different location.

    sorry, and good luck with it. i lost mine in the car, and i found it last niight

  10. If its on try ringing it. If its off then retrace your steps.

  11. try calling it with another phone... Good luck!!

    [: *~dRuMmErGiRl~* :]

  12. Look through the places that you think you would never place anything there.

  13. I have a bluetooth hands free and walk around with the bluetooth until I get a signal.

  14. call the lost fone with another phone

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