
Lost my receipt..don't know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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I lost, more like accidentally destroyed my Fry's receipt. My father recently bought me a new laptop that came with a receipt and a rebate receipt. I put both of the receipts in my pants pocket, but accidentally washed my pants today; thus, the receipts are ruined and ripped in pieces. I am too afraid of telling my parents what happen. Though, I know that we are able to get copies of the receipts from Fry's. So should I tell them what happened, and suffer with their life lectures? [I have asian parents, so they are not as understanding] I am reluctant to tell them what happen, since they would continue to see me as a young lady who is clumsy and always make dumb mistakes. Please help, I really don't know what to do.

Thanks to those who take this question seriously, and help me make the right decision. I really, really appreciate it~^^




  1. Go to your parents and explain what has happened. They will surely appreciate your being responsible  for you action. It was after all an accident. Yes, they may give you a lecture but you seem to be the type of person who can bear it and learn from it.

  2. call the store maybe they'll give you a copy

  3. fellow asian, i hear you.  it is better that you tell them.  yes, they'll be stern, but what if they find out without you coming clean?  That would be much worse in terms of their opinion of you.  Call Fry's first and have them send you a copy or pick it up if you can do that without your parents knowing (Like, tomorrow morning).  That way you can tell them and let them know that you've already taken steps to fix the problem.

    They'll respect you so much for that, even if they still give you hard looks and an uncomfortable lecture.

    Rest assured they also make mistakes.  

  4. You should tell them. If you know you can get copies of the reciepts, then its really no big deal.  

  5. honesty is the best policy

  6. HELLO you washed your own pants! mom should be glad!

    did you pay with credit?  That should make it easy for the store to print another receipt for you.

    Call the store and talk to some one before you talk to your parents.  maybe you will be able to tell them how you are solving the problem.


    Either way you have to tell your parents b/c they will want the rebate money!  Don't hide it until they figure it out; that is childish, and they will think of you as a child.

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