
Lost my theory certifacate?

by  |  earlier

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can i get a copy or not does enybody know????????????????????????????????????...




  1. You'll have to contact the school that issued it and see if they'll issue a new one to you. I lost my college diploma in a flood many years ago and the university charged me $25 for a new one. So it's very possible they'll reissue a certificate, as well.

  2. What is a theory certificate?

    Are you sure this is in the right category?

    Can't you just call who or what ever issued the certificate and get a new one?

  3. What are you talking about it doesn't sound like a genealogy question ?

  4. where did you take the test..?? Get them on the phone they will have a record of it so you should be able to nip down there to pick it up or get them to send you a replacement..

    Good luck :)

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