
Lost my wallet are there still be like this?

by Guest57459  |  earlier

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Today on the bus my wallet dropped out of my pants with $340 cash/Cards/ID. Yet it was returned to me by the guy that found it at my house with everything still inside...Why? Are there really still honest people out there?




  1. yes their are some people are good people you should send him something for being so nice and caring he could have took your money  

  2. few and far between but they are out there you must have needed the money worse then the finder did and I hope you gave them a small finders fee or at least offered it to them. I lost my camera 2 monthes ago and never even knew I had this guy showed up at my daughters house yesterday and said he found it on the side of the road and how he knew it belonged to them was their house was on the film and he recognized it he said he used up the rest of the film and that was his payment he was happy and I got my camera and pictures developed for free so they are out there. Count your blessing 123

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