
Lost on aim?

by  |  earlier

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i know stupid question but i just added that aim thing and i am totally clueless can you add random ppl how do you do that or you can only add the ppl you know like myspace you can search for ppl but i am confused i just now added it and i know stupid question but sometimes i am computer stupid and dont get the directions standing right there in front of me




  1. On IM you need to know the person's ID in order for you to add them.

    There is a + (plus sign) in every window IM you click on that when you want to add the person your talking (chatting) to.

    That will put that person on your Messenger List.

    Try to add people you Know or feel comfortable talking to, because there is lost of Spam IM'S too you don't want to add those to your list.

    And there is not such a thing as a Stupid Question, We ALL have learned this or that By asking questions ;)

    I hope this helps.

    Good Luck to you.

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