
Lot Attendant in Home Depot?

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I have a interview with Home Depot on Thursday for a Lot attendant. Has anyone worked as a lot attendant in home depot what do you do? also i want to know how much i would get payed i live in the bay area.




  1. $9-$13/hr depending on experience.

  2. I worked at Home Depot part time. The lot attendant takes care of bringing the shopping carts back to the store, and helping load peoples vehicles. The store where I worked was under staffed so they used the phrase other duties as assigned. I didn't like retail so I quit. I'm retired and didn't need the hassles of working there.

  3. I've done it before I worked in a not so big area but my job was kind of random.  I helped people load / unload stuff quite a bit.  I was outside a lot so customers would ask me questions about all sorts of random stuff as soon as they saw me.  The job was cool cause you got to hang out with people in all of the departments, doing random stuff.  I spent most my time rotating between female cashiers and avoiding people who wanted me to do actual work but you shouldn't aspire to be me.

  4. I would assume you would probably collect the carts and clean the lot, help people to their vehicles for loading purchases, if they need it and such.  Can't help you as far as what the pay would be.  Good luck.

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