
Lot of MNC's Employees in Chennai resigning their jobs frequently Why? What it shows?

by  |  earlier

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I haired lot of employees (including my friends) frequently resigning MNC's jobs and Join new company frequently why. They are telling several reasons. One of them is working long hours. Say 12 to 14 hours a day. It is very difficult for them to work for such a long time. Why MNC's companies treat their employees like this. Salary is Rs.30000/- but they are taking work for 30,00,000 worth work. This is injustice to employees. In U.S the same employer giving Rs.1 to 3 Lakhs as salary to employee but the same employer start company in India and giving very low and poor salary to employee say Rs.30000 why? this partiality. It shows Americans better workers than Indians are Indians not asking for more salaries. I want exact answer for this question. Why MNC'S company employees frequently resigning their jobs and going on trying for new jobs.




  1. we can jus say indians may be fools r sumthing........ we jus lost the life that we r having while working for a indian company for 8 hours wit 15000/- salary....... we smiled at signed them while they gave us... we also tagged them MNC job... MNC job... 30000/- salary... hurrah... but we dint know what they ll do to us... now we are experiencing it....





  2. Consiousness mind has ran away to watch n worship filmstars Everyone r busy watching rajnikanth movies, and worshipping him.and feel that they can implement filmstars stunts in real life and lead life.

    why to work ?

  3. that is why so many American companies are outsourcing to India,  Lower wages

  4. if you want money without working in office please login the below site

    you will get money by getting ads on mobile

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