Okay I'm currently going out with a guy and I really love him. But last night I had a dream that I was part of this weird "city" and when outside it looked like a ton boats with the wood planks nailed down to connect them, but when inside my family's house it looked like my dads house. Everyone on-in the "city" were the families of people from my school, though I don't remember who any of them were. There was also this person the "city" was keeping as a prisoner for a reason idk. after a few days in the dream the other family's tried to burn down my family's house, and this time when outside it looked like it normally does at my dad's house. My dad at this time was going to the store to get food and my little brother was younger then he is now [I still being 15]. I put out the fire before to much damage happened. To get back at them I decided to break out the prisoner and [it being boats again] jump over board as another boat [this being just a regular boat] cont in additional details