
Lot of skilled manpower in KGF? Anyone give idea or help to start a business in this town in Karnataka State?

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Kolar Gold fields is in Kolar District, Karnataka State.




  1. Yes there are plenty. Certainly you can have your own Business. If you have required capital, then you can have a Lathe or a CNC Machine. Then try to get orders from BEML and other small scale Industries.

    You can own a shop, where you can sell all Industrial needs like greases, lubricants, spare parts and other related items. BEML being only major Industry in KGF, you have depend upon them.

    If you can find some good cultivation land on lease, then take it and grow Flowers and organic vegetables there. The flowers and vegetables of Kolar region were in great demand in Star Hotels in Bangalore and in export market. Try to exploit, as the agriculture income does not attract income tax. If you tie up with some Multinational Companies, they provide you seeds and organic manure at their cost. Discuss with your Horticulture Department Officials.

    Good luck.

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