
Lots of injuries! Need help!?

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I started off with a pulled groin two weeks ago at rugby practice, which led to pulled quadriceps last week after I tried to play in a game.

Now I have shin splints, pulled hamstring, pulled groin, pulled quadriceps, pain in my knees and ankles...

I think it could be due to the fact that I put too much weight onto the leg that didn't have a pulled groin in the beginning and now that has caused too much pressure on my legs. Please help me out on this. I need to know how long to rest and if this is serious.




  1. Too much too soon

    first off seek medical help for all you injuries

    and rest accordingly

    if you come back too soon like you have you risk further injury, you will only worsen your condition

  2. ok mate

    go to a physio

    it might not be the cheapest, but its better to be sure you're not in danger of serious injury, than to be hoping it's alright.

  3. Go to a Chiropractor- your pelvis is out of balance

  4. The pulled muscles should all be fine in like 3 to 4 days (max one week) as long as you rest them. The shin splints and knee/ankle pain are common symptoms of quite literally 'over training'. Whilst this is not serious in so far as you will recover, i do suggest that you either ask your coach (or team physio if you have one) to either suggest a professional in this matter, as if you bump yourself around too much more, you might see some seriously long term or even permanent injury. The key is rest. I strained my medial ligament in my knee two years ago by over stressing it. Courtesy of me wanting to get back onto the rugby paddock, the next game was the last of my season (i tore it nearly completely). So basically be safe rather than sorry (and in pain... much pain), and just rest yourself untill both you and some from of physio are confident that you have recovered.

  5. I pulled my quads back in October, after 4 days I was fine as for everything else I really dont know

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