
Lots of problems with teeth...(Kinda long but please read)

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my whole mouth has been having problems but my main worry right now is my front bottom teeth. For some reason, my gums feel odd. It doesn't hurt when I bite down on food or anything. They're hurt when I breathe sometimes, like the rest of my mouth it's sensitive to cold. I guess you could say my gums feel like they do when you get an adjustment on your braces? I keep fearing the worse: Either 1)They're going to fall out randomly one day or 2)They're loose and are going to fall out anyway. I've been trying to improve on my dental hygiene but it seems the more I try the worse it gets. I can't go to the dentist until I think December because my insurance only covers up to 1000 year and I've ran out on that a couple appointments ago. Oops..





  1. When you brush your teeth do you brush your gums, roof of your mouth, tongue, and inside of your cheeks, as well as your teeth.  Everything inside of your mouth should be fair game for brushing to help eliminate bacteria.  Also, get a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to be used only for rinsing your mouth.  Follow the directions on the bottle (as to how much water to add to use as an oral rinse) and swish it around in your mouth for a few minutes.  It has the added bonus of whitening your teeth nicely.

  2. I guess you are suffering from a condition called periodontitis where the bone supporting the teeth get eroded because of heavy deposits on the teeth. These deposits cause the gums to be swollen and also to formation of pus. ou need to visit a dental hygienist to get your teeth cleaned. That should solve your problem temporarily. For permanent relief you may need minor gum surgery-called flap surgery for a thorough cleaning and gum rehabilitation.

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