My son has today begun making very loud, shrill cries, and we can't figure out why. He has no temperature. We've gone over every little inch of his body and cannot find anything that might be causing him pain. We gave him Baby Gas-X and later some Baby Tylenol in hopes that one or the other might address the issue, but to no avail. It seems to come and go randomly and is not influenced by whether or not he's being held, naps nor any other obvious external factor. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? He had his first set of vaccinations a few days ago, but was fine afterward. Everything else has been as normal. Any thoughts or suggestions for what might be causing this sudden (day-long) session of crying and what we might be able to do about it would be appreciated. We are able to sooth him with the usual side/stomach position, swaddle, shushing, swinging or suckling, however, those remedies only last a brief moment and then he begins wailing again.