
Loud Booming and a Flash of light?

by Guest55732  |  earlier

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Here's an odd thing, maybe someone knows what it might be? This is taking place in an empty lot by my house on a regular basis, day and night. For the last few months.

There is a loud popping sound, and a flash of light (at not not during the day) that sounds like something exploding. But there is nothing in the field. No kids setting off fire works or anything.

Its been happening daily, we have investigated, and their is nothing there. It only happens as one pop, and it happens at various times of the the day.

I thought the first few times it was a transformer box (Not the movie kind, but the kind that passes electricity) but the one in the field is fine, and the electric company had checked it.

It no longer startles us that much, we are now more curious than anything.

There is no damaged wire, and the electric company had checked out everything to make sure there is no issue. Weather plays no part of it from what I can tell.




  1. I assume you've ruled out lighting.

    I see you've eliminated electricity as a cause as well.  Could the cause be firearms or any other man-made and man-caused explosions?  Have you explored the area for any sort of evidence, like cartridge casings or fireworks wrappers?  Is there a mad scientist next door?  Are there any special conditions present every time this noise takes place?

    Hmm, I would be curious to know more.

  2. I would try recording it on video.  You may get some clues by watching it frame by frame if possible.   If you can record more than one you will know if it is happening in the exact same location or not.

  3. The only thing i could imagine is you may be on top of an oil passage. The natural gas created by the oil could be running past an electrical line or something that produces static electricity and igniting underground. It wouldn't be a gigantic explosion because there is not a great supply of oxygen to atomize the reaction. Apart from any other theory i can think up, this one seems the most plausible. Sorry i cannot be of more help.

  4. on the lighter side of this whole thing, jus pass it off as thundering n lighting on the ground instead of the sky. add a sprinkler and you can have the rain too. put a spotlight, that can be the sun.

    Jus like the song by Deep Purple - Smoke on the water, Fire in the sky.

  5. Many times when spirit is attempting to manifest people will hear a loud popping or boom followed by a flash of light.  In your case since it happens often, you may actually have what is called a portal there. Here is just one of many websites that talk about spirit portals-

  6. Very interesting.  I would say you must document this with a video camera and then approach a qualified professional whether he or she is from the emergency services, a science professor or perhaps even your local news (to get the word out and possible answers for you).

    Leave it up to the spiritual mob and you'll have several thousand ridiculous theories to sort through and no doubt alot of scam artists trying to make money off it.

    I'm interested in what this is I do hope your answer comes swiftly.

  7. I know what you mean. That happened to us about a week ago. It sounded like a transformer or a tire blowout or a sonic boom. We finally found out a couple of days later. It was a tire on an antique truck in our garage. But if yours happens a wouldn't be that. Are you sure it's not an airplane making a sonic boom?

  8. DUDE LOL YOUR HILARIOUS :P lmao that just made me crack up all over... i was on the floor laughing XD..........Never thot of doing some like this

  9. I have not a clue to what it is but that may be something dangerous. Maybe you could call the fire station before some kids go wondering in the field. It happens a lot? You could probably set up a camera to catch whatever it is, you need to document what is going on so a professional can help. Write down time, date and experience of each occurrence.

  10. It sounds like ball lightening. You could be in an area where there's the right pressure and what not to make it happen a lot. Video tape it and send it to some weather guy or something.

    My dad's had ball lightening come in his house once when he was little, and he said that was what it did when it went away, it popped/exploded.

  11. Of all the tales of ghost lights..there are many and I have personally witnessed one, there is no noise that goes with it.  Not to say that is the source, but if all the utilities companies have checked it out(you didn't mention it, but did you report it to the gas company) then you are left with the mystery and it could be paranormal.

    Just a few natural questions for you to consider:

    Could your neighborhood be built along some natural fault line that is shifting and expelling a type of natural gas?

    Could this area been used to dump old ammo or waste?

    See if the neighbors would be willing to contact a geologist and see what they can do to record the events.  

    Please do keep us my curiousity going for sure....

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