
Loudmouth Italian lady had an irrational outburst at me.What would you do?

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I am 37 and 4 mos preg.My older sister invited her crazy childhood friend to go to the beach with us.We were taking my 11 yr old stepson and 7 yr old niece.The plan was to get to the beach at 11AM, stay for a couple hours, and go eat at a seafood restaurant around 2PM.My sisters friend piddled around and did not show at the beach until 2.I was ready to leave but decided to delay everyone's lunch to give the friend and her son some beach time w/us.At 3PM I started to pack up and the friend chewed me out and called me selfish because I wanted to leave.I explained how we had a plan, and it was not my fault she was so late.She went nuts and startd yelling.I told her the kids were hungry and I needed to eat bc of pregnancy and it was too hot for me to be out in the Texas sun longer.I think my sis should have told her not to drive down if she could not make it by 12.I want to email this girl about her rude behavior.What would you say to her?I am also angry that my sis stood by and allowed her to attack me.And yes..we did invite the friend son to lunch.She suggested I leave the kids with her and take them to Jack in the Box after she met up with us later...then called me selfish again when I would not go on her plan.




  1. Being an Italian lady myself, I would have let you know I was going to be late and to go ahead and feed the kids and yourself.....

    The woman should have apologized for being late and left it at that.

    Having 4 children myself, I know, when you have the day planned out, you stick to it......

    Let it go, the woman is ignorant.

  2. What a stupid *****.  Don't bother writing her an e mail.  Just don't hang out with her anymore.

  3. I would say : "Hey lady uppa yours"  

  4. curious why you had to mention she was Italian, but aside from that what is the big deal? ignore her. sounds like a fun day at the beech.

  5. This woman has a poor attitude. What ever you say or do, will not change it. Try not to put yourself on her level by venting back and making the situation worse. Just learn from the mistake of bringing her along and avoid her in the future. Your children should have come first and delaying their lunch until 3pm to accommodate a self-absorbed adult is completely wrong. But you can't change what happened, so you have to move on and focus on your family and yourself from now on. I know it seems impossible, but you need to mentally forgive her. If you don't, all the hostility and negative energy she gives off will stay in your life. Good luck!

  6. and pregnant women aren't sweet as pie either

  7. I dont think u r being selfish. Let's face facts 1. u r pregnant, u need more care than any1 else around. u have been sacrificing a lot, for ur sister and for others. It's time u did things for urself. If others are late it is not your fault, others should own up to their mistakes. I think ur sister need talking to. I think u should go  slow on all this socialising, at least till the pregnancy gets over.

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