
Loukomades recipe?

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Does anyone have a good home made recipe for this yummy Greek dessert?

Please dont cut & paste recipes from Greek websites, I have already looked at those. I want a recipe from a sweet Greek grandma who has been doing this for years and her recipe is pure sweet perfection!!

THANKS a bunch!





    These are lighter (and more enjoyable) than the heavy loukoumathes you typically find at church events. (Yep, my Yiayia makes the best! :oD )

    1 cup water

    1/2 cup butter (salted kind)

    1 cup flour

    4 eggs (1 cup)


    chopped toasted walnuts


    1. Place liquid and butter, in a medium saucepan and bring slowly to a simmer. Turn off heat and add the flour all at once. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon until it forms a ball. Return to medium heat to dry the paste so it will have the maximum puffing ability: turn the ball around in the pan, pressing it against the sides and flipping it over, until butter starts oozing out and the paste no longer sticks to your fingers.

    2. Remove from heat and let cool a bit.  Beat in the eggs, one at a time, with a wooden spoon. Each time you add an egg, the mixture will become slippery and messy but will then come together, at which point you can add the next egg.

    3. Drop spoonfuls of dough into hot oil to deep fry.  They will ‘turn’ themselves as they cook, although sometimes a few may need some ‘help’ turning over.

    4. Take out and drain once cooked and golden brown on the outside.  (You should check one to make sure it isn’t still ‘doughy’ on the inside.)

    5. Serve immediately, drizzled with honey and sprinkled with chopped nuts and cinnamon if you like.

  2. here u go


    500 g flour(1 lb 1oz)

    2 teaspoons yeast

    1 teaspoon salt

    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    warm water, for disolving yeast etc

    oil(for frying)


    2 cups honey

    1 cup sugar

    1  cinnamon stick

    2 cups water

    cinnamon(to garnish)


    1Dissolve the yeast in a little lukewarm water, mix flour and salt in a bowl and slowly add yeast mixture being sure to mix well.

    2Slowly add more warm water until you have a medium paste. Cover the bowel with a clean cloth and stand in warm water for about 1 hour. The batter should have doubled in size and formed "bubbles".

    3Heat oll and add teaspoonfuls of the batter to the oil, cook until they turn golden brown.

    4Remove from the oil and drain on kitchen paper while making the syrup.

    5Syrup: boil the honey, sugar, water and cinamom for 10 minutes. Pour the syrup over the honey puffs/ loukoumades and garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon powder. Serve hot.

  3. Ingredients:

    2 cups yogurt

    Grated rind of one orange

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    3 cups sifted flour, approximately

    Vegetable oil for frying

    1 1/2 cups honey


    Toasted sesame seeds


    In a bowl, blend the yogurt with the orange rind. Add the soda , the salt, and enough flour to make a batter of "dropping consistency". Cover and set aside in a warm place for 1 or 2 hours. Heat oil to 365 degrees. Drop the batter in spoonfuls - just a few at a time as they will swell -into the hot oil and fry until they are a golden brown. Take the balls out with a perforated spoon and place them on absorbent paper to drain off the excess fat. Add 2 tablespoons hot water to the honey, drizzle lightly over the puffs. Sprinkle generously with ground cinnamon and sesame seeds and serve hot.

  4. Ingredients:

    1 oz yeast

    18 oz flour

    1 tsp salt

    Olive oil for frying



    Chopped walnuts (optional)


    Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Mix the flour with the salt in a deep bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour and pour in the yeast and water. Gradually add another cup of lukewarm water, stirring the mixture until it becomes a uniform, rather thick batter. Cover and leave it in a warm place for about 1 1/2 hours, until bubbles rise to the top.

    Heat the oil. Using a wet teaspoon, take spoonfuls of the batter and drop them into the hot oil.

    Continue until there is no more batter left. Turn the puffs with a slotted spoon until they are golden brown all over. Pour honey over them and sprinkle them with cinnamon and chopped walnuts.

    Serves 8 to 10

  5. I have a great recipe!! I am Greek but unfortunatley my Yiayia never really made Loukamathes that often because they are kind of a pain to make when everyone is in the kitchen eating them faster than you can get them out!! She is more of a Galaktoboureko kinda lady. So basically the recipes here are pretty good the batter is simple, what is important is having your oil at the right temperature ( a deep fryer is highly recommended for this recipe) and the correct honey.If the honey is cheap store brand honey it just won't taste the same so be sure to buy real Greek honey, a great brand to use is Attiki, thats what I use, so I'm not sure what her recipe was but this is mine : )

    2 cups flour

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp salt

    2 eggs beaten with fork

    1 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt ( thicker than regular yogurt)

    2 tbsp melted butter

    3 cups of corn or veggie oil for frying

    For the Honey syrup:

    1 1/2 cups of honey

    1/2 cup of water

    To garnish: we use chopped walnuts ( very finely chopped) and some cinnamon.

    Combine the first 6 ingredients. Stir until well combined. Cover with a towel and put in the fridge for a couple hours to "ripen". In a small pot combine honey and water to form a  light syrup. Set aside. Pour your oil into the fryer or a deep saucepan, when the oil is hot drop by tablespoons into the oil and fry till golden brown on all sides. Drain on paper towels. Drop them into the honey mixture and toss to coat and then put on a plate to serve to your friends and family, this recipe makes about 40 . Don't forget to sprinkle some cinnamon and nuts on top, they are totally divine!!! I hope you like them!! Good Luck and Happy Feasting!!

    -Little Chef

  6. Oh my gosh-me too!

    I'd love to make them next weekend!
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