
Lousiana Certificate of Birth

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My husband was born in Lousiana in 1983 and he has a Certificate of Live Birth is that the same thing as a Birth Certificate? Also, on line 6C where it says "Name of Hospital" there is an asterisk * instead of an answer. Does anyone know what that means? He has always wondered whether he was adopted because he was not issued a SS number until he was 5 years old. Last question- there is a blank for birth order and it is left blank with no answer. Does anyone know what this means?? please help. thanks!




  1. I was a medical records manager for many years and literally filled out thousands of birth records. If the asterisk is in the "Name of Hospital" field, my question is whether he has a copy of the original or a reprint from a computer file. If it's a reprint, it's very possible that they didn't transcribe that field when they computerized the records. It's a lot more common than people believe. The answer is to go to the Parish Office of Records and Statistics and ask them to pull the original so he can see. There are two things you want to see on it. The name of the doctor who delivered him and the name of who filed the record. If he has a Certificate of Live Birth, it is required by law to list where he was born on the original, even it if was a taxi on Bourbon St.

    As for the "birth order" question, it's not required to be filled out. The reason is that mothers were once required to list all pregnancies...and it revealed to their spouses and children that they had given up babies for adoption or had an abortion. In sensitivity, that question became voluntary.

    Also, if he was born by C-section, the original birth certificate will list that. It will also list the reason for the C-section, such as cepha-pelvic disproportion (i.e. his head was too big to make it through the pelvic opening.)

  2. Certificate of Live Birth is that the same thing as a Birth Certificate?


    Name of Hospital" there is an asterisk * instead of an answer

    Born not in a hospital.  Could have been born at home, on the way to the hospital etc.  Could have been born in a hospital but the nurse didn't choose to answer it.

    wondered whether he was adopted because he was not issued a SS number until he was 5 years old?

    There is NO law that states that you have to get a Social Security Card before you start working.  That is what it is for.  WORK  where you can pay your taxes.

    Now if his family is on Public Aide then his parents would have to apply for him.

    there is a blank for birth order and it is left blank with no answer. Does anyone know what this means?

    His mother didn't answer the question.  No big deal.  The Nurse didn't ask how many births she had before she had him.

  3. SSNs weren't necessary for children until 1990.

    Has he asked his parents if he was adopted?

    Birth order means how many live births the mother has had.

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