
Love, Money or Purpose?

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Love, Money or Purpose?





  2. ...i'll take the money to buy me love to serve my purpose...

  3. purpose.

    money comes and goes. if you really want more, you can work as much as you want to get more. it can be easily attained, as long as it is your goal to.

    love comes and goes and comes in many forms; be it a pet, a child, a parent, a sibling or any other family member, and good friends. it's important to have but it's easily attained and easily lost.

    purpose however, is something that i am seeking and have not been successful in finding. and maybe i never will? sometimes i wonder if love is our purpose! and if that's the case, than there'd be a tie: love & purpose.

  4. love coz i got the money....!!

  5. Love :P

  6. none actually.... happiness it is.... for most people happiness comes in  different ways. If you're happy, you don't need money, you probably have lots of love, and you already know your purpose.

  7. Without purpose, love and money become meaningless.

  8. Hmmm! Love without purpose is nothing, so as the matter of Money if there is no purpose what for is money so,


  9. Most def. Money

    with money, you can find love and purpose !!

  10. mOney. of cOurse, with money i can gAin Love and knOw what my purpOse on EarTh reaLLy is.

  11. love

  12. the king of kings...

    Then comes LOVE and PURPOSE ............

  13. Girls and money go together, so it if you pick money you are basically using one stone to catch two birds. Purpose may rise up depending on your environment, and because you are financially wealthy, you might find a "new" sort of purpose(ie donating your money in order for the world to be a better place for poor people, for medical advancement, etc.)

  14. Purpose

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