
Love? How much can you really love your child/children?

by Guest61881  |  earlier

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Seriously i think i love my son to much he is 8 months old and i never knew it was possible for your body to show such strong emotions like this, does every parent feel the same? i mean honestly, I just can not get over the fact that i love him so much, it scares me somtimes, it is amazing how u would do anything for your child even die for them, is this normal?




  1. Yes it's normal... I always said "You don't know real love until you have a child"  I mean you love your spouse, parents even siblings, but there is no love like the love you feel for your children.

  2. It's absolutely normal... and it doesn't stop with your grandchildren, either- I have 3 now and I would die for them in a milli-second just as I would for my 3 daughters. I'm SO blessed to have 2 of my daughters and all 3 grands living with me and the other daughter 2 miles down the road! I'm a lucky grandma!

  3. yes it is normal when I had my kids it was like how can you love someone so much and you just met them

  4. I know exactly what you mean.  Every morning I  wake my daughter up to get ready for school. I pick her up and sit down with her on my lap and then I just hold and hug her while I think about how much I love that kid.

  5. of course this is normal!

  6. very normal. sometimes i get lightheaded to think about my kids not being here. i always tell people you don't really know what love is until you have a child. i have an obsession/dreams/visions of my kids getting hurt. i have to leave the room and deal with it, it becomes so strong sometimes. i don't smother them, but it is hard to think about. this love you are feeling will continue to grow stronger and does not have a limit!

  7. of course it is! He will benefit so much from your love. Just let him know how much you love him

  8. I can't speak for every parent. I however, can not put into words the amount of love I have for my son. From the moment we were blessed with him, I was overcome with such emotion - like I have never felt. Sometimes just watching him run around, playing, doing whatever will still bring a tear to my eye I love him so much. There is nothing more normal than being a parent, I assume for the majority, this love we feel is all part of the package.

  9. I hope it's normal, because I love my kids more than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes I cry because I know some day my daughter may suffer, or be in pain, or have her heart broken, and I just love her so much, I don't ever want her to hurt! It is a crazy, overwhelming nothing I've ever felt, and it's amazing!

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