
Love at first sight and babies

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a friend ive known for 6 mo told me it was love at first site and he wants me to have his baby...... he also said he wants to marry me if i will agree.. i done know how to take this. has this ever happened to anyone before?? and i want to know any ones opinion on this...we are adults with kids of own...




  1. It depends how old you are if you are old enough sure its no problem but if its going to fast for you just tell him that you still need time and think you guys are going alittle to fast.

  2. Hey! tell him he is take this thing too fast you guys should take time to know each other before marriage!!!!!  

  3. I'd get to know him first, people make different lovers as opposed to friends, and usually things that move to quickly dont end well. Take your time you have your whole life to get married, I say if you like him in return, date him and see how it goes!

  4. o wow its like teenagers ova her

  5. I don't think this has happened to me. Still, I will try to answer. Love at first sight sounds great, but don't feel that you need to rush into things. If he loves you now, he should still love you two years from now.  You should explore whether you have the things necessary to make a relationship work. Love is great; it really is. But tons of people love each other and end up divorced four years later. Work on your problem solving skills as a couple; explore whether you have a shared value system; decide whether you want to raise your kids in the same way. Also, figure out whether you can afford to have more babies. If you already each have kids of your own, then maybe that's enough.

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