
Love bird question?

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It appears that my adult lovebirds or at least one of them makes itself throw up and then feeds it to the other. To anyone that knows about lovebirds, am I observing this correctly? Like maybe it's the female taking care of the male or something? I don't know...




  1. i have seven lovebirds. they are always feeding eachother, mainly the parents though. The dad is always feeding the mom. lovebirds do this when they are breeding (before and during) but also as a sign of affection. it meens that they love eachother and are looking out for eachother. my parent lovebirds do it all the time. just this morning i was sitting at the computer with them on my head and he stated feeding her, felt kinda gross though....  my guese is that the one feeding the other is male. i only saw two of my others do it once so im not sure if that is always the case (not that i konw if any of the others are male or female). Its always my two adults too, other than one time.

  2. That one is regurgitating for the other.  That means they really love each other, which is great, but if they're a male and female, don't try to get them to breed (because I know someone would think of that); that's only for people who know what they're doing and is an even bigger commitment than just keeping them as pets.  Remember that they can be bonded to each other without having babies.

  3. True bonded pairs will do that. Once my pair started doing that, they continued long after their chicks were gone.

  4. that just means they really love each other.

  5. That is a wonderful sign of Love.  Congratulations you have happy birds.

  6. It's typical mating behavior; expect to have some eggs soon!
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