
Love conquers all! What's your view of it????

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Love conquers all! What's your view of it????




  1. Love is everything to me.

  2. Love more than conquers all-

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

  3. Love is God ... we pray for Love ... that's why on each one of us ... there's Love ... because Love that keep this world go round and round ... and Love that made us stronger or weaker ... By the name of Love ... i pray for all the lovers in the world to respect Love ... I love Love ...

  4. It can be complicated, but most of the time, its really good

  5. yes...because the love from god Im here,because of the love of my parents Im here....

  6. Love.... a crazy little thing no? It drives one crazy, drives one up the wall. Blinds one's eyes... So I guess it does. Proof: Some people have made huge sacrifices for the one they love.

  7. love is a pretty cumpulsive takes away from thought yet amplifyes determination; love may not be as lovely as we'd like but it can conquer many a person.

  8. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.


  9. idk, love makes me pening kepala,

    if you love someone and the person cheats on you,, would you forgive the person?

    If i dont forgive the person is it still called love? See,, we  cant love the person blindly,, if the person i love kill my mom and feel happy about it,, ,, i cant forgive him,, and the 'love' feeling will dissapear,, (if Love conquers all, i would feel happy that he is feeling happy after he killed my mom)

    Generally what i see is, one only loves another person if the other meet ones expectation,, which proves,, love is not blind, there is one thing which overcomes love,, mind. Mind conquers all, mind creates love and peace.

    Its ok if you guys disagree with this,, its just my personal thoughts.  

  10. i like to think like that.

    but in these modern days, its hard to find like one..there's too much hate, war, ruins, differences, so i guess its just another one of those old sayings that only sounds good...

  11. Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough...

    Ideally, yes.

    However, responsibilities, obligations, duty sometimes take precedence over love.

  12. Nature assured that humans would not disappear for lack of it.  God knows I've tried.

  13. As long as it's me he loves... ;)

  14. Love hurts, Love hypnotizes, Love BLINDS!

  15. Yes it does.  Love that is pure and honest and given unconditionally can mellow even the hardest heart on earth. Love of a child can bring a smile and joy to a parent who comes home from work exhausted.  Love can build a beautiful relationship between a man and a woman.  Love can change a wayward man to become a better person.  

    All in all, love is the sweetest emotion an individual can feel and is as ancient as time itself.  It was God's love that He sent His only begotten Son to redeem man from sin.  

    Love conquers all, even a person who has experienced being tricked, being cheated by a previous love; when true love comes, that person will conquer his fear of falling in love again.  Love conquers even the most devious or vile man on earth as evidenced by sagas in history.  

    Love is the most potent of all emotions.  

  16. Yea, love conquers your heart and then smashes it into a million pieces.  

  17. YES so true ! and its GOD LOVE which is never ending.  

  18. although it CAN  now a days it will mainly hurt you, true love is harder to come by than a 30 pound diamond, but you can conquer love if you don't let anything blind you!! just my opinion!!!

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