
Love is in the air! How can I make this valentine's day romantic but still be Green?

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I don't want to buy a bouquet, those florist's flowers are cultivated in mass plantations on the other side of the world, drenched in pesticides and fed gallons of scarce water.

I don't want to dash off on a romantic weekend in Paris, think of the damage to the environment and all those CO2 emissions from the flight.

I don't want to send a valentine's card that is made from trees cultivated in mass plantations on other side of the world and is then thrown away after a few days.

I don't want to buy loads of consumer goods like soft toys and gadgets that he will push in the back of a cupboard.

So help me please.

How can I make this valentine's day romantic but still be Green?




  1. Well, this may or may not be your cup of tea, but howd about a day out on the water in a sailboat?  If you don't know how to handle a sailboat, its too late for this year--but its not hard to learn.  And as long as you dont  throw the trash overboard, it's about as zero-environmental impact as you can get.

  2. Buy cards made with a high percentage of post consumer recycled paper. Buying recycled content products creates a demand for the paper we recycle everyday.

    Try to avoid buying cards with glitter on them: these are hard to recycle.  The glitter does not come out. Think about it - do you want glitter in your recycled content copy paper, tissues, paper towels, anything?

    Gift ideas:

    There are organic roses and flowers out there, you just have to find a local source.

    A massage with organic massage oils is a low impact gift for the earth.

    A home cooked meal using local and organic vegetarian ingredients.

    Soy based candles can set a romantic mood without all the chemicals and unhealthy ingredients of traditional candles.

  3. May be the feeling of love is just you two staying together ,making a lovely cake or doing something you do not ususlly do.

    If you think it is what you did not experience,that's romantic enough.

  4. Here are five possible ways to be romantic and green:

    1) Why not plant a beautiful tree which will grow and symbolise your love? It will reduce environmental CO2 and give visual pleasure to all who see it.

    If you've land to put it on make sure it is an appropriate size and type for your area. If you've no land of your own to put it on, there are organisations who will plant one for you and send a card in his name.

    2) A romantic meal lovingly created using only organic (so no pesticides in the environment) and/or locally grown produce (so little fossil fuels burned in transporting)  by candlelight or daylight.

    3) A handmade card from recycled paper - find pretty fallen leaves to stick onto it and write something like 'Love grows' on it.

    4) Create a compilation of romantic music.

    5) Visit your library (on foot or bike or public transport) or search the web or your own books and find a beautiful love poem or a fragment of one - print or write on recycled paper - fold it into his napkin or tie it to the tree or put in the card.

  5. Buy your gift from a website like,

    Then go and give some time to a charity, maybe a soup kitchen, give a little to those who dont have anything to give.

    And once your done, go home and spend a few hours with your special someone.. meditating


  6. Bike rides/picnics/walks/things like that

    just clear up your rubbish when you're done eating & hope it doesn't rain :p

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