
Love is more powerful than hate??

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This is a speech topic I have chosen.

I need some more infomation to back up this argument.

Please only answer if what you are saying is FOR this question not AGAINST it.

I am using this quote from the primeminister in 'Love Actually'

Is this a good way to end the speech?

You can find the quote here at the top of the page:




  1. Hatred is a selfish pursuit, and something as revenge is about the perpetrators ego rather than the person onto which they project this, as such it could possibly be seen as a form of self preservation. When self preservation is the issue could this mean that a person would forget an idea of acting in hate or revenge if their actual life became endangered?

    Love however could be seen to be centred around another person rather than ourselves, and there are multiple new stories of people acting out of love to the detriment of their own lives. For example i am thinking of parents who rescue children, or people who attempt to rescue their spouses from a potentially fatal situation to the detriment of their own safety or life.

  2. Love and hate draw from the same well of our most intense emotion - it's up to us which one we give power to.

  3. Love is more powerful because it is a positive force which is inclusive and builds strength and character.  Hatred is a negative force which is exclusive and self consuming.  You might want to be careful, however, you're making a error if you don't care to hear about 'hatred' there are many, many clues about 'good' in information about hatred...

  4. ...bias quote and speech...

    ...both words affects our lives...the one in control at the moment ... WINS...

    ...thanks for asking...

  5. I hasten to think of a Russian proverb: "extremes touch"

  6. yes, that is a good quote. and i totally agree with you; hate is just an emotion, but love is too deep for words.

    i would read some poems about love if i were you. you know, to get some more inspiration.

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