
Love is that reason of all unreasonable it true?

by Guest11101  |  earlier

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love makes u feel to react on any thing




  1. when you generaly say... may be it is.  But the pure and geuine, the true form of love never do anything which cannot be justified .  almost all the actions will have the signature of good intentions.

  2. Yeah it is. It is Human Psychology that when u  find ur sense of belongingness is vested with some particular person. U feel they r everything for u. U doesn't want that person to leave u at any cost. This makes a person to do unbelievable and unreasonable actions.  

  3. Love of? I agree if the outcome is a positive one.

  4. love is the soul of has every happy thing.without it all is useless. any time not spent in love is wasted.

  5. you are absolutely right love is an emotion that most cannot control and makes us do the most stupid things.  I myself have done some ridiculous things for what I thought was love,  but hey to err is human. And sometimes you have a funny story to tell later in life

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