
Love letters, presents, memories. Is it right to send it all back to her after her dumping me?

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I asked a question a few days ago about how do i get over the woman i love who dumped me. Cut a story short, 6 months ago we split and then decided to give it another chance, we decided to change a few things in our lives. One big thing she needed to change was to stop keeping her feelings to herself and communicate with me more. If she didnt do this, how was i supose to know if there was a problem?

6 months past. she never changed, so i couldnt change as i was never aware of what was wrong. She kept on sending me love letters saying how much she loves me. Then out of the blue an email dumping me saying she had enough and bought up everything that happened in the past 6 months. How was i supose to know with her false messages she was giving me? Her last love letter was just 2 WEEKS ago saying how happy i make her and how much she was in love with me. WHY DO THIS TO ME ??

So now its the 5th day of dumping me and i have arranged a curior service to pick up a box with all the presents, love letters and memories i saved up so that in the future we could sit, read and look at all the love we had for each other. But as now she has dumped me, she wants no contact with me anymore, i still love her, she broke my heart, i think its best to give it all back to her. I think it will make her realise what she has done and that im serious. I cant have all these things in my house knowing she does not love me.

She even blamed it all on me, telling me how im treating her badly and i never listen to her feelings, when how could i if she never told me her feelings? i begged for her back, but nothing. I also believe she can pick me up when she wants as she said to me "Keep all the presents, maybe in a year". I cant let her do that to me can i?

What does the public think of this, am i doing the right thing?




  1. dont be a sorry sob.... doesnt help in any way giving back what u have..... its disrespectful to give back presents which actually means u didnt respect ur relationship..... it clearly shows that u do respect the relation u had with her & so dont give back what u got.... if she has said that its over, then it is over, live with it & get on in life. be a man for gods sakes..... anyhow, best of luck to u for the future.

  2. I don't think it's right to send them to her. If having them around you is a thought you can't bear, get rid of them, but don't send them back to her. It is petty in a way, preventing both of you from moving on as you'll wonder about her receiving them and what she thinks, and she'll probably feel hurt getting all that stuff from you.

    Get rid of it if you need to and move on.  

  3. No, don't send it back to her.  I still have all the letters and pictures here with me from a 5 years relationship.  Keep it or throw it away.  One good thing in keeping it is once you moved on, take a look at the pictures and letter and you'll find out how you matured and that you can still love more.  But keeping it will make it harder for you to move on.  When you throw it away, you'll get to move on faster.

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