
Love of career? What should I choose?

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I was a simple and humble country girl, who was forced to immigrate to Asia (it's a long story). There I got married to a man, many years older than me, and we were tolerably happy. He was an influential and rich man at the local government, and after his death his office became mine. I am really not bad at it, and do a lot of good to the people, and I am very popular. Then we had a new French ambassador, and it happened to be a man I was in love in my home country so many years ago, Ernesto Volmar! Our feelings are unchanged, and we are as much in love with each other as ever. We'd like to marry to be together, at last! But I am not sure about my office. It is not the power and the privileges, it's that I worked hard for everything, and achieved such a lot, and improved this country, which is now mine. It won't be easy for me to start all over as a inconspicuous housewife, depended on her husband. And my people trust me and believe in me, I can't abandon them like this. No could I live without Ernesto any longer. What should I do?




  1.      If Ernesto loves you as much as you love him, then talk to him about your dilemna.  Perhaps he'll agree to stay with you and you can continue working at what you love.  You automatically assume you must give up your office to be with him.  Why not the other way round?

         Hope this has been of some help,

    Good luck

    Mike B

  2. you should never be forced to choose between love and what makes you happy. it sounds like the work you do makes you happy. If you must leave your current post to be with the man you love, there is no reason you must leave to take up the life of a mundane housewife. Take what you have learned from your previous office and go to your new home in search of a comparable outlet for your skills. It may not be the exact same post but you can find useful and meaningful ways to use your talents out in the world. and if your love truely loves you they will help you fullfill this goal.  

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