
Love quotes?

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what do you mean, when they say love is blind?




  1. Love makes you blind to the rest of the world sometimes.....

  2. it means that when you love someone so much... some times... you block every one else out and concentrate on just that one person, with out knowing what you are doing to others.

  3. no one knows the real definition of love. because there is so many love i a feeling inside that no one can really describe or form it can be obtained by many movements tooo many for the naked eye tooo see.

    im deep like that lol

  4. it will strike you when you arent even looking

  5. the love isn't clear yet!!

  6. Love is blind, Friendship closes it's eyes.

    Love is blind because people are soo in love that thye dont see anything... just the person they are in love with. They can only think about them and you dont see the probalems in the relationship no matter what. Thats how i interperate it anyways.

  7. love is blind means it doesn't care who it goes to. if you fall in love it doesn't matter what they look like because love is blind. helpful? x

  8. when someone is in love, they are blinded by it and dont seem to realize if they making a big mistake or is it a good thing to do.  They just dont think rationally anymore.

  9. because when you love someone you dont see some of the big mistakes that they will make, it might be stupid but you have to live it to know it!!

  10. It means that if you love someone deeply you don't see the flaws others see in your partner.

  11. it means that you don't always see love coming and then it just hits you!

  12. that sometimes what you THINK is love, truly isn't , but you  can't see that.....also that you may not see something that is real love..... after all, love is a feeling!

  13. that people fall in love despite looks and the way people treat them sometimes. Also blind women do it the best!

  14. It means that, when a person loves another person, they are willing to overlook and look past the imperfections and irritating habits of that person.  They only see the spiritual and intellectual side of the person (who the person really is).  They don't see the packaging that other people never seem to get past.

  15. it means that you aren't sure of what love can bring you, and that you're probably still confused about it and stuff like that. (:

  16. Love can be so powerful that we sometimes only see what we WANT to see, and not what's reality. You can love someone so much that you can look past their flaws....

  17. it means, when you fall in love with someone, you don't see their flaws. later on, when the flame gets lower, you might see those flaws and discover many things about the other that you didn't even see until then

  18. when you fall in love with someone no one likes.

  19. the person you loved and broke up with (seriously) wasn't the one for you. because remember you must love only one person besides your family. and so you will have to wait for that loving true person in your life . forever.;...;...

  20. when you're in love you dont see the bad in the person that most other people see in that person.

  21. It is in the internet, you don't know who is behind the computer from the other side! Lol!

  22. im not sure... but to me it means that love doesnt involve looks or clothing or apperance in any way. love is all about personalities and souls connecting...after all... if its true love, looks will fade after the first 40 years.
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