
Lovebird cage?

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What would be the minimum bar width for a lovebird cage, so that the love bird doesn't bite through the cage???




  1. lovebirds do have strong beaks yet they wont be able to bite through unless the material is really weak or old. A parakeet cage might be to weak but a cockatiel cage will deff stand up to a lovebirds beaks. Check out for good cage info

  2. The width of the actual bar doesn't really matter as long as it is a sturdy cage that is actually made for birds. (not those decorative ones you find at target, etc.) Also, lovebirds aren't like huge or anything so you don't really have to worry about them chewing through a metal bar. Also, PetSmart has some cages that are specifically labeled for different types of birds, including lovebirds. Good luck =)

  3. The bar spacing should be no more than 3/8" apart. Birds acclimate well to average household temperatures; be cautious of extreme temperature change;

    cage should be placed off the floor in an area that is well-lit and away from drafts.
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