
Lovebird eggs are fertile, but worried.?

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Ok please dont scare me about what im going to say. I have Two lovebirds. They are brother and sister. My male who I bread was my first batch. He was never even when full grown interested in breeding. He was my baby and is almost human like. Hes cobalt blue. Very unique looking. My female who is almost a year was bread a year later from the same parent as my male. Shes a light green with white face, and blue. Very unique as well. I got rid of their parents and just kept the two as my own.

Well, they each have their own cages and never got along. One day they mated. My female made a very cosey nest and laid her eegs. Shes laid eggs before, but this time I left them in. I decided to check if they were fertile and all of them have red vaines and now are almost going to hatch.

I dont want to kill the babies. Ive watched how the eggs have developed and how much she loves them and makes her nest everyday for them. I just cant boil them. Is it all right to let the babies hatch and liv




  1. Inbreeding (linebreeding) is quite a common thing in some birds such as show budgies, and your babies *shouldn't* show any ill effects from this. I personally don't believe in linebreeding, but it happens, and is the "norm" for some breeders.

    You shouldn't run the risk of letting it happen again, but your clutch should be just fine, and there is no reason to destroy the eggs, especially now that they are close to hatching. If this comes up again you can addle (shake) the eggs as they are laid to stop chicks from forming, but it's too late to do anything to them now that they have.

    Enjoy the chicks, there shouldn't be any issues with them. Just be sure the babies don't eventually mate with each other....that may be getting into dangerous areas.

  2. I have a tiel that I got at a pet store,the reason why I say pet store is you sometimes get innbred birds in pet store.This bird is the most loving beautiful lutino cockatiel I've ever see,but one of her feet has toes shooting inward ,and she has no feathers on the top of her head which is the typical sign of having an inbred bird.Just ru with this and let the bird gods see what is going to happen ,but I would not reccomend letting it happen again,seriously,you don't know what you could get,since you have decided to let her have these babies,you may as well let the father in the cage with her so that he can get involved.Good luck

  3. I think you should let them live, you wouldn't kill a puppy, so why kill a hatchling.

    I would possibly get rid of the male or the female, after the babies have been weaned and found new homes for. I too would let the male aid in the rearing of the young ones.

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