
Lovebird food?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get a love bird but i wan to know what to feed it. they don't have "lovebird food" in the stores. I have a parakeet, can i feed him that?

whats the best food for them?

PS. all you people that are gonna attack go right ahead cause i don't care of your opinion cause its not productive





    try this

  2. "I have a parakeet, can i feed him that?"

    That made me laugh so hard! Don't feed your parakeet to your lovebird!

    All jokes aside (and that was a bright spot in my day)....

    Lovebirds require a variety of food, such as pellets, seed, fruits, and vegetables. As a staple food, pellets are recommended as it is a complete nutritionally balanced diet, as apposed to a seed only diet which is high in fat and not  balanced.  

    The disadvantage is pellets are not natural in shape or in texture. Hooked billed birds are experts when it comes to using their beaks in climbing, preening, feeding, and cracking seeds. There is a psychological advantage to letting the bird use its beak for what it is intended.  

    Fresh greens are also extremely beneficial if not essential, and should make up 20-25% of your birds diet.

    As a guideline lovebirds should have a pellet diet available to them at all times, and given 1 - 2 level  teaspoons of seed per bird, per day. A small parrot or cockatiel seed mix is good for lovebirds.
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