I've added some more stazas, but I don't know which version I like better, tell me what you think? Thanks.
Lover of Insanity
We stand on the brink
Between life and death
Seeing two worlds at once
And living with each breath.
We live amongst beauty
We live amongst pain
This world is our masked reality
From what I've seen, it is all the same.
We are fed lies for dinner
We digest them easily
For the world in which we live
Is too dire to live truthfully
Eyelids frozen, we can only stare
Into the liquid and unblinking eyes
Of our fallen and forgotten brothers
Yet we can imagine their tortured cries
You see every detail
But only between each blink.
You taste the false hope of life
The flavor is sour, yet you continue to drink
You live as a cat does.
Lazy lives full of milk to swallow.
Your tail is only a longer end
Baiting the world to follow