
Low Flat Tax For Everyone?

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Should we install a low flat tax for everyone.

Either you make $1 a year or a Trillion Gazillion $$$ a year, everyone pays 5% and that's it.




  1. so... where are you going to get the rest of the money to run the government?

    I don't even think your plan would pay for the military alone...

  2. 5% of populaton is already controling 95% of wealth. With flat taxes that will be 0.5% of population control 99.55% of wealth.

    Given an already unprecedented current corruption in congress, that would be a 100 % executive and legistlative power in the hands of only a few people. That is a dictatorship.

    Progressive taxation has the same reasoning as anti monopoly laws.

  3. Yes, we should.  But liberals won't let that happen - that's too fair to everyone who works hard to make money.

    To kcay25: How is it fair to make the rich guy pay more?  And why is the poor family only making $20,000/year with a kid?  If they didn't plan ahead, that's their own fault.  People should have to live with the consequences of their decisions, so if the poor guy didn't go to college and cleans toilets for a living because that's all he knows how to do, then he has to live with that decision.  You have no right to take a disproportionate amount of someone's money just because they make more - remember, the rich guy and the poor guy had the same opportunities, they just made different choices.

    Nuclear Reactor: Then how do you explain the people who DID grow up in poverty and went to bad schools who ended up becoming very successful financially?  Asians do it every year - parents come here from Asia, make meager wages, but their kids go to college (often work part-time to afford it) and becomes very successful.  I hate to break it to you, but anyone can go to college here, it's not just for "the evil rich people."

  4. The "flat tax" is anything but "equal."  It is a regressive form of taxation in which the lowest income earners end up paying a larger proportion of their earnings as opposed to their much wealthier counterparts,  who would pay relative pennies.  Sharing the BURDEN equally amongst differing levels of income is the reason for a progressive tax rate.  

    "..That way even NON AMERICANS who buy products or services in this country would pay. Not a bad deal when you consider all the illegal aliens in this country!"

    Earth to genius, foreigners, INCLUDING undocumented immigrants, ALREADY pay sales taxes on products & services rendered.  It is the most unavoidable form of taxation.  They also pay property taxes when they purchase homes or indirectly via rents when taxes are passed on to them by their landlords.  Some folks obviously lack a firm grasp of socioeconomic patterns.

    "...remember, the rich guy and the poor guy had the same opportunities, they just made different choices...."

    Remember, there is idealistic fantasy and there is cold-hard reality.  The truth is that not everyone is born under equal circumstances nor are they afforded with equal opportunities.  The family make 20K per year most likely did not receive the exact same education and training (growing up in poverty and attending substandard schools) as the much wealthier person did, who was likely born into his or her high socioeconomic status (living in luxury and having access to a more superior education).  Hard work, alone, isn't the "one -all" to prosperity.  Those Horatio Alger "rags-to-riches" stories are few and far between.

  5. ABSOLUTELY!  It would probably be something closer to 20-25% if it was actually implemented, but as long as democrats and liberals are around it will never happen.  Not when the top 20% of income earners pay 80% of the taxes in this country.  Implementing a flat tax would mean a loss of BILLIONS in tax revenue.  

    What I would also be in favor of is a "fair tax".  What I understand that to be is doing away with ALL taxes and simply raising the national sales tax to 25%.  That way even NON AMERICANS who buy products or services in this country would pay.  Not a bad deal when you consider all the illegal aliens in this country!  

  6. Sounds good, but Liberals don't want that because it would work and they would have nothing to preach about and get elected with

    Edit: Hmmmm, I just noticed that no liberals are answering this question

  7. no. You sound very rich. That's unfair. It's unfair the the poor and middle class in this country.

    Imagine if you make $20,000.00 per year with a wife and kid and you pay 5% you would pay $1000.00 to the government.

    If you make $10,000,000.00 per year with a wife and kid you would pay $500,000.00 to the government.

    Which family will it hurt more (even though it's a much small amount), the family that makes $20,000.00 per year. With the way the tax system is now the family who makes 20K with a wife and child would pay next to no taxes with tax credits and such. With gas, food and housing so expensive, how fair is it the the person that makes 20K  paying the same % of tax as a person making 10 million dollars per year.

    Look, the person who make that 10 million dollars per year, made it in America and made his millions off of the American people, why shouldn't they pay a little more?

    What is so wrong with that?

    You say, well if they pay more taxes they will go to another  country. They are already going to other countries now, so obviously why should they continue to have a tax cut?

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