
Low Voltage Problem at the House Meter?

by  |  earlier

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I am having a low voltage problem in my house. When I am measuring at the meter cabinet before the main breaker, I am having a voltage of 107/214 instead of the 120/240 voltages. I know the problem is in the community transformer and I have called the power company but they come fix it and a few months later the problem appears again. My question: Is there any equipment that I could connect to my main feeder to could maintain my voltage in the 120/240 range even if the voltage drop or increase? Thank you.




  1. Utility companies have to maintain a "published" voltage w/ a

    plus or minus "X%" volt variation.

    110V/ 208V is  not out of "house current" range

    If they squeak by on the low end, not much you can do esp in summer months where there may be local "brown down" conditions.

    Any devices to correct the problem are the utility company's responsibility.

  2. yea a whole house generator.

  3. I have seen whole apartment buildings where the whole building was at 104/208 and that is how it was built and the transformers for the building were designed to put out those voltages.  

    Sorry but they call it normal according out local utility. Even on the rating plates of some of the appliances they will list them as 208-220.

    And I was there because the customers were complaining their electric stoves didn't heat up as fast or as hot.

    Both true and there was nothing to be done.

  4. You do not want to install anything to fix the problem, make the power company fix it.  They have a voltage drop in the line somewhere and they need to fix it.  Tell them that if they don't fix it you will call the public utility commision and file a complaint

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