
Low amniotic fluid.. Little protein in Urine.. Worried and curious. First time mom!!!?

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I am 38 weeks 5 days..

And Yesterday I found out my amniotic fluid is at a 6. They want it at atleast a 10. Also they found a little Protein in my urine and I have been having symptoms of pre-eclampsyia (sp) She wants me to come in thurs to check levels again.

Yesterday they put the balloon catheter in me to kick start contractions. Had contractions all day then they stopped. :[

I have been stuck dilated at a 3 for 3 weeks.

What do you think the chances of being induced are?




  1. interesting... most people would ask a medical person something like that like say a DOCTOR

  2. I'd say if your amniotic fluid has dropped again then your chances of being induced are pretty high. Good luck!

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