Looking for help making a low-carb margarita, with fairly common ingredients. I know i won't get no-carb since tequila has some in it.
sofar i can find mixes by companies like Baja Bob's that use splenda, but they arn't available locally and don't want to order it online.
The closest thing i can think of is a sugar-free limeade drink for the base-flavor, but i can't even find those... the closest i can find is kool-aid lemon-lime drink mix that is unsweetened, and i could add my own artificial sweetener to.
So, if i use this sweetener for 2-quarts... load my blender up with crushed ice.. add however much sweetener the mix recommends, i will need to add water in addition to the tequila... should i use 1/4 the amount? in stead of 2-quarts, do 2 cups? and then of course about a cup of tequila and all that ice, which some will melt.
what do you think?