
Low carb diet? HUH?!?

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What is it?!?! My mom wants to go on one and I do too but I am still in school and I don't know what I can and can't eat at lunch. So if anyone could take the time to explain what a low carb diet is and what some examples of food that I can and can't eat, it would be highly appreciated! :) THANK YOU!




  1. A low carb diet is very different from a low calorie diet. On a low carb diet, you eat meat, vegetables and  - no CARBS. That means no corn, anything with white flour, white rice, corn, milk, sugar - or I as I understand nothing "white".

    Meats and non-starchy vegetables are the mainstays. Your body begins to burn fat for energy, because it is starved of the carbs that would, under non-diet circumstances - be there to supply the energy your body needs for fuel.

    Any type of meat and/or fish is on this diet, as long as it's not breaded. The fat content of the meat is generally not restrictive. You can have eggs. Also, for snacks - nuts in limited quantity, pork rinds, and fruits. I think bananas and carrots are probably the only fruits and vegetables (besides corn and potatoes) that are not suggested. I also ate beef jerky for a snack.

    Your body will undego some changes in the way it handles this new way of eating. It's usually a pretty fast way to lose weight but you can't flip-flop between low calorie diets and low carb diets. One undoes the other.

    Good luck and don't forget to drink lots of water and EXERCISE!

  2. It depends on how strict of a low-carb diet your mom is thinking of. The most extreme form of low-carbing would be to cut out all starches and sugars, such as bread, potatoes, pasta, chips, pretzels, etc., and even beans, fruit and some vegetables, such as corn and carrots. A less extreme version would be to cut out all refined carbs (such as those in bread and pasta) and stick to lean meats, green veggies, and a little dairy. Low-carbing can be very limiting. Cutting down on bad carbs isn't as hard- that's pretty much what I do. I still eat beans and fruit, though, I just try to stay away from refined bread, pasta, and junk food.
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