I have given up meat 7 years ago, went vegan a year ago. I am pretty good at making vegan food, I make awsome pancakes, pastas, tofu burgers. The problem is I eat a lot of those. I love to eat so just eating a little bit of something is not going to work for me.
I love veggies and fruits too but i dont want a small cup of fruit I eat a whole cantalope, or a whole mango and half a papaya.
So I am looking for some recipes they dont have to be fancy recipes they can just be Ideas, or quck things you eat that dont call for sugar or lots of oil and are healthy so I can eat and be full and not have to buy bigger pants. Preferably something I can make and freeze or fridge so I dont have to cook everyday. I like to cook but its a drag when you want something now. I make most everything from scratch and dont eat much packaged foods, just things I cant make.
I would love to hear what thin vegans eat, and more ways i can stay full and get slim again myself.