
Low-income homes!!?

by  |  earlier

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i live with 5 people in 3 bedroom house. i share a room with my fiance and my other roomate shares it with her boyfriend and the other, another guy is in it. my question is, i have been trying to get information on low-income housing but the problem is that i have to move out in the end of december, becasue iam having a baby, and one bedroom is not enough room for the three of us. i need to know if anyone has any information, on how i can get on the wait list, and how i might be approved, how long it will take. i tried and or hud.. and other iam runing out of time.




  1. Most hospitals have social service professionals.  Check with someone where you are going for prenatal care to see if they can direct you.

    You didn't mention what city/state you live in, and how much income you have coming in so more specific advice is hard to give.

  2. YOu are right to be worried. There is always a shortage of nice "low-income" housing.  Your local Dept of Economic Security will at least have a list of providers of money for your housing. Start there.

    I want you to consider one other thing. Are you a nice person?  Are you clean?   THere are many houses that sit empty in every city because the owner is gone but the owner has heard "horror stories" about renters trashing their house.  If you could contact the owners of the empty homes and offer to housesit for them,  you could live for free.  But you must be an honorable person.  You can't have wild parties.  Can you live with the rules?

    You can find the owners contact info at your local Recorder's Office.   Good luck.
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