
Low progesterone and suppositories not working..?

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I am 12 weeks pregnant with number 2 and was told by my doctor a few weeks ago that I have low progesterone levels. I started using suppositories prescribed by my doctor about 2 weeks ago and to my disappointment, my latest blood work a couple days ago showed my levels dropped even lower. My doctor just said to continue using the medication and that if I do miscarry, we've tried all that we could.

My son who is now 5, was a full term, healthy and worry free pregnancy. Becoming pregnant after 2 years of trying was such an exciting thing but to find out there were issues to face, has sent my husband and I on an emotional roller coaster.

Is there anything else I could do or try to help my progesterone levels go up? Just need some kind of hope...

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!




  1. I would ask for PIO Progesterone in oil. Its a shot but it doesn't hurt to bad.. I had to do them for a few months at a time 3 times.. its an every night shot but should help out. Good luck I wish you the best. P.S. the needles look big but are not as bad as they seem.

  2. i don't know much about what they can do for artificaially bringing your levels up if they aren't already doing it on their own. your body knows what it is doing so just pray and trust it.

    i hope that your levels do go up..progesterone is what sustains a pregnancy

    best wishes

  3. Keep taking the medication of coarse, but try using a progesterone cream too. Or a wild yam cream. I use a brand called youngevity invision balance cream. It works really well for me helping me ovulate and just the progesterone cream didn't help. Wild yam is a natural source of progesterone so you might react to it different. I wish you all the best I know how hard it is when you want babies so badly. Hang in there there might be hope still. Good luck!

  4. Ask him about P17 shots. Those usually work better than the suppositories.  

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