
Low self esteem!?!?!?

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I think i kind of have low self esteem. I am 13, 4'10", 85 pounds and like no b***s. Whenever i see everyone it makes me jealous because I want to look like them. How do I fix this problem. It makes me so mad because I am small. sometimes people make fun of my height and i don't like it. it makes me feel even smaller. HELP!




  1. im guessing your in 7th or 8th grade, in 8th grade i was 4'11" so yea i was short and boobless too. i stopped caring and i honestly feel comfotable with my body and i'm only 15 and im still boobless. people still make fun of me but its better to be short, more dating options lol

  2. You're 13!  Known to all as an awkward difficult stage.  You haven't finished growing, stop being so hard on yourself!  Stop worrying about what you do or don't look like--it will change dramatically in a few short months.  For now, enjoy being 13!  Still young enough to play like a kid, but old enough to start testing the waters of teenagedom--it can be a wonderful time :)

  3. Take pride in yourself.  People will see that, and they will respect and like you more, no matter what you look like.  Friends see character, personality, sense of humor, and the person they are.  Not their appearance.  Do positive, enjoyable things for yourself, and talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend, with support and encouragment.  Good Luck!!

  4. they should be jelly of you coz ur so skinny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You shouldn't feel bad being small, because "bigger" people when they see you are jealous of how small you are and wish they could be like that, everyone knows its harder to take off weight then to put it on, so it's better to be small than big, and your not the only one who feels S****y about yourself  so many girls so, and ones you wouldnt even expect, some of the prettiest girls how the lowest of self esteem, and some other girls s**t around to make themself feel better. Take what you have and deal with it, things will get better

  6. okay well to start off with, while people pick on you it is a sign of jealousy! so what if yo are only 4'10 at least you aren't 6'11! and eventually you will start to get bigger in the chest area but as for now you really dont want big chest because of the simple fact that you will never know who like you for you or if they like you bcause ou are more developed then most girls. next you are 85 pounds, well since you are on the short side [no offense] you dont want to be chunky do you? and since you are this small now [no offense] you will grow up into a nice petite body form and you will be able to find clothes better then a short chunky person or a tall skinny person! so look at things on the plus side, iknow it is hard now but as you grow up you will be happier with your self! so i hope this helps if not iam sorry =]

    p.s you never know you might grow when you get older, remeber you are on 13 and most girls get their growth spurts around 17-18.
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