
Low voter turn out?

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recent elections have been characterized by small turn out of eligible voters. some democracies require their citizens to vote. Do you think that is a bad policy?




  1. Yes, we have enough laws already. We don't need one more requiring we vote. I think only taxpayers should be allowed to  vote anyway.

  2. It amazes me that people see voting as an inconvenience just like jury duty. It's like an interruption to their day. We here in America have become this society of "The Silent Majority" and have allowed our government to turn into this place where our political leaders hold meetings behind closed doors or are censured in the name of National Security away from public scrutiny. Remember,these politicians work for US ,NOT the other way around. One day your ability to vote will be taken away from you and  some  person like  a  Fidel Castro of Cuba, or Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, thinking they're going to be "President for Life".

    If you don't vote,then you deserve what you get.

  3. No.

    The US Constitution gives citizens the right of free speech. Casting a secret ballot is a part of free speech -- you can "speak" of your support of a candidate by voting for him/her, and while others can attempt to convince you to vote for them, no one (especially the government) gets to determine who you can vote for, and they can't force you to vote a certain way.

    With the right of Free Speech come the right to speak your mind, or say something that others may not like (voting for the other guy) -- and it even includes the right to say nothing at all.

  4. Yes, it is a bad policy.  We already have too many ignorant people voting out there.  I think there should be a test, much like the naturalization test immigrants must take in order to be citizens, before you can vote.  And you must get a passing score.

  5. I do not think a person should be required to vote. That should be left up to each person of voting age, I do think they should have to prove they are legal citizens and also prove they are a taxpayer.

  6. Yes it is. Eventually we will have to boycott the elections in order to get worthwhile candidates. Now we are stuck with who the elites pick. So we stay home. That is our right. The politicians can rule without the consent of the governed.

  7. Absolutely.  Forcing people to do something as important as elect public officials will almost undoubtedly lead to bad things.  Frankly, I wish fewer people would vote.  I don't believe that even 30% of Americans have the common sense to vote.  People are voting based on personality, character, gender, race, and celebrity.  The person you "like" isn't necessarily the one you want in charge.  Think about all of the bosses you've had; chances are the one you remember being the best boss was not the one you liked the most.

  8. id rather have a small turn out of voters who studied the issues than everyone and 90 % not knowing what they are doing.

  9. If we forced people to vote then wouldn't that be destroying another freedom or right. I think it's important to vote.

    But I do see why some people don't vote. It is a form of protest though I don't think it's all that effective. It sends a message but what? Do the politicians care or will they do something? It doesn't seem like they haven't done anything. I understand that the republicans are working at making it more difficult for the poor to vote. That's the allegation anyway. It sounds more like the result.

  10. That is a catch 22.  I believe people should vote, but I also believe that forcing a person to vote is antithetical to the whole idea of democracy.

    There is also the issue that too many Americans who do vote are completely uniformed and just vote because they think someone is attractive, "seems" smart or some other non-issue based reason.  Do we really want uniformed people voting?

    If all uniformed people stopped voting we would never have had candidates such as George W. Hillary, Bill, George H.W. Obama.  Instead we would be electing Ron Paul this time and good candidates before him.

  11. I'd rather have low voter turnout with citizens who took time to learn about the candidates...then mandatory voters who can't even find their own country on a world map.

  12. Voting is a privilege that should be earned. Because as a right it is not exercised. Thats why we have the government we have.
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