
Lower back hips pain??? Im only 21!!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning with a real aching in my lower back and hips and i have no idea why! its worse when i lay down! i started a new job sitting down at a desk all day a few weeks ago and was wondering if this could be the cause? well of the back pain anyway, but i dont know why my hips (upper outer thighs) hurt too? I cant take any time off work at the moment to go to the doctors. Does anyone know what it could be? im worried!!!




  1. I don't think anyone can answer a question like this as it would take a dr to diagnose your problem, but in the meantime, make sure you don't sit for more than 20 minutes and then do some stretches.  Do stretches early in the morning to get your muscles in shape.  Sounds like you are staying one one place too long.

  2. Could be due to your new job.If I were you I would go to the doctors they would refer you to a physio who would in turn examine you and give you some simple excercises to do.I say this because a similar thing happened to me and even now after a couple of years the excercises still come in handy at times.

  3. i have it its a real pain the only thing that helps is ibuprofen and try and walk about when you can good luck

  4. i feel like this when im due on - i have been having periods since the age of 12 but this didnt start until i was about 19 which i was told its just your body changing

    it could be down to your new job - have you had a desk assesment yet ? if not get HR to arrange this for you and if you have had one speak to  them again as them may be able to get you a foot rest and adjust your chair

    if it carrys on see your GP

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